Who We Are
Frank A. Spring
Frank A. Spring is the Managing Partner and cofounder of Undaunted Ventures, as well as being the firm’s in-house mad scientist. He has held senior roles with progressive campaigns and candidates on both sides of the Atlantic for more than fifteen years, during which he spent more than a decade developing Undaunted’s unique science-based-storybuilding method. Frank is also a founding partner with Altum Insights, a research firm dedicated to understanding the deep narratives that drive people’s attitudes, values, and behaviors. He lives with his family in his native New Mexico, where he eats green chile every day.
Ngiste Abebe
Ngiste Abebe is a Partner and cofounder of Undaunted Ventures, where she uses her insight and experience as a nationally-sought trainer, performance coach, and speaker to develop and sharpen our services. She is also Vice President of Public Policy at Columbia Care, one of the nation’s leading medical cannabis companies. She is the co-founder and co-director emerita of New Leaders Council Virginia, a progressive leadership institute. Ngiste happily gives and receives recommendations for sci-fi novels and board games.
Sarah Moss
Sarah Moss is an Undaunted trainer and coach with deep experience in facilitation, training, event advance, and other ways of helping people make things happen and look good doing it. A Denver native and once-long-suffering, now-triumphant Nuggets fan, Sarah started her career in sports and transitioned to advocacy, campaigns, and government after 9/11. She has shaped strategy from the neighborhood nonprofit and mayoral to the statewide and presidential levels, bringing an ethos of calm and self-care under pressure, which often manifests in prompting everyone around her to take a breath and drink some water. Sarah is skilled in hearing what people actually want when it's competing with their “But I should” voices.